Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Radio" Ray Pietz

Voice of valley talk radio, "Radio" Ray Pietz of KGAL AM, gave a spoke to Rob Priewe's Media & Society class of about 10, on the obstacles of his past years and how those experiences influenced him to talk radio.
Oct. 21, Ray Pietz spoke to the Media & Society class about the development of modern day radio in the media, and how those advances affect listeners; such as the Telecommunications Act of 1996, enabling major companies to own as many stations as they like, limiting the point of views we the listeners acquire.
"You never know when you can run into something that will change your life forever" said Pietz, while discussing the term of his life when he was invited to broadcast school. "Radio has always been a magnet to me, drawn to me"
Students of Mr. Priewe's Media & Society class undeniably enjoyed Pietz optimistic outlook on situations; from reasons why he should be the one elected president, to the not-so-fair Telecommunications Act. Pietz speech was certainly worth listening to! To listen in on the fun yourself, tune to 1580 KGAL AM Monday-Thursday 11:06 a.m. – noon. You won't regret it.

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