Monday, October 6, 2008

Time Machine... is it possible?

Over the weekend i was doing my usual reading, and i came across an intriguing book of randomn facts. I started browsing through the pages and i found a page dedicated to the question "is time travel possible"? Curious, i read the paragraphs and one question made me go "hmmm". If time travel is possible, than why hasn't anyone from the future come back to tell us about it? I thought about it for awhile, and i was definetly stumped.

Ofcourse it's not possible when you think about it, but it's always fun to dream.


Linn Benton Community College Library said...

When I read your post, I couldn't help thinking of "Heroes" and the character who can travel through time and space. But, it also made me think of the fact that we can do time travel in little ways - flying west across time zones for example.

Rob's Media Blog said...

Very cool retro photo. While I wouldn't trade places with where I am today ... if I could go back in time I wouldn't mind returning to college for a week or two. Those were some fun days working at the student newspaper and first getting involved in real politics.

Brian said...

I actually watched a show the other day about time travel and unfortunately it's believed that traveling back in time isn't possible. But forward time travel, at theoretically, is possible since time can flow at different speeds.

Sabrina said...

When I think about it, I figure anyone that would gain access to time travel would know that either way you go you're changing something, and that's not always for the better.

It's fun to think you'd only learn something and be ready for the otherwise unexpected, but you never really know.

Then again, we are always traveling forward through time, but I don't think people like to count that.